Express Press Release Distribution
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EPR Network's Disclaimer
Although all press releases are published pending approval and
are monitored and approved by human editors, all press release information
published on EPR Network, part of which is also
is only based on what companies and individuals submit and doesn't involve any EPR Network's editorial opinion or review. EPR Network, part of which is also takes no responsibility for and disclaims the information available in form of
press releases across our network. Some press release may be confusing
at first reading without additional explanation. In such case you
should contact the press release author, either the company or the individual listed as the contact on the press release itself, with any additional questions
regarding the information presented on their press release.
EPR Network has zero tolerance towards objectable and controversial PR materials published on its network. Any PR material found to be involved into a dispute, in one way or another, and is having one or more complaints received at EPR Network against it supported with enough evidences that clearly show it is harmful, even in a remote way, to the interest of 3rd parties is ground for taking the respective press release permanently down.
Featured (paid) press releases subject of those complaints and as a consequence taken down from EPR Network are not eligible to receive refunds or credit backs. There is no ground for crediting back for press releases our staff worked on incurring expenses for the company and later being taken down due to legitimate complaints. Those press releases have manually been crafted out, optimized, media have been carefully chosen and added to; contextual links have been embedded in; PDFs, DOCs and print versions have also been created and all press releases have been published across our entire network, our forum and blog(s) as well as on third party social media outlets. Service has been ordered and rendered accordingly and therefore no refund or credit back can be issued in such cases where the client's PRs are found to be involved into any form of disputes with 3rd party. Upon receiving of a legitimate complaint against those PRs we have to take them down from all places EPR Network has published them on, which has "out of pocket" expenses incurred for the company to do so.
Repetitive abusers may face all or any of the following:
1) Aside from not issuing refunds or credits back for press releases being worked on and later taken down due to legitimate complaint any repetitive abuser may also have his/her account frozen and any unused credits (pre-paid featured press release) left in the account may also be seized to cover the expenses for taking those PRs down from all over the Web where EPR Network has submitted those PRs to;
2) EPR Network may also ban such repetitive abusers, their companies, group of individuals and the IP addresses and credit cards associated with those press releases and payments from further using EPR Network for putting up either free or paid press releases.
3) Further more EPR Network may also consider publishing all complaints, including all supporting materials and evidences, received against those press releases on our network, that way clearing up our name to the public.
Should you have more questions don’t hesitate to contact us at info [at] Additionally you may wish to get familiar with our terms of service before using EPR Network.
last updated June, 15 2008